In the product bronzing process, the choice of bronzing paper plays an important role, so the following 6 aspects should be paid attention to when choosing bronzing paper:
- Know the base material of the product. The bronzing substrate determines the series of bronzing paper. But the commonly used bronzing plastic substrates are mainly ABS, PP, PE, PVC, etc.; the commonly used metal substrates are magnesium plate, zinc plate, copper plate, etc.
- Grasping the size of the bronzing area is mainly due to the different elasticity of the release layer of the bronzing paper, so the size of the bronzing area is also very important for the selection of bronzing paper.
- Recognize the difference between hot stamping methods and hot stamping uses. According to different hot stamping, it can be divided into metal plate and rubber plate.
- According to the different hot stamping speed, you can choose automatic high-speed machine, semi-automatic machine or manual machine for hot stamping
- Find out whether the product is used indoors or outdoors. Products used indoors usually require higher bronzing
- Hang on the brightness and color, as long as the above 5 conditions are met, finally choose the color and brightness.
Hot stamping is a common printing process, but good hot stamping is also an art, especially the choice of hot stamping paper is the most critical step. Our magnesium etching plate is a good partner.